PE provides asbestos and lead inspection and oversight services to the Board of Public Service (BPS) for the City of St. Louis, MO. Services are provided on an as needed basis for inspections necessary prior to building renovations and demolition. PE has provided these services to the City for over 12 years and at over 100 City-owned facilities including the municipal court building, fire departments, police stations, and City Hall.
PE has been providing technical support for 10 years to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Tanks Section to oversee cleanup of leaking UST sites. PE provides one of their state-registered geologists to the MDNR staff to review documents (including UST Closure Reports, MRBCA Tier 1 & Tier 2 Evaluations, Groundwater Monitoring Reports, Plume Stability Evaluations, Remedial Action Plans, Remedial Action Completion Reports, and other miscellaneous technical submittals), assist regulatory project managers, and review projects with complex geological/hydrogeological issues.
PE provided UST removal, assessment, and remediation services to the MDNR Tanks Section (under 3 separate contracts) from 2004 to 2012. Work was conducted at sites throughout the state and included submittal of work plans, performance of specified work, and completion of final technical reports.
PE performed a Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA, and site characterization activities at this former auto repair shop brownfield area, which revealed the presence of widespread lead health risks in in surficial soil (believed to be the result of lead-based paint debris from former structures) at concentrations in excess of Missouri regulatory levels. PE prepared the Remedial Action Plan defining the remedial strategy, performed oversight of the remediation activities, and submitted the Remedial Action Completion Report to facilitate site closure and re-use.