PE has worked at the Former Victory Ordnance Plant in Decatur, Illinois, a former U.S. Army facility, from 2008 to the present under the U.S. Army’s Installation Restoration Program (IRP). PE’s scope of work includes the preparation of work plans (Field Sampling Plan, Quality Assurance Project Plan, Health and Safety Plan), execution of field activities, and preparation of the Remedial Investigation Report, Feasibility Study Report, Proposed Plan, and Record of Decision. Field activities consisted of soil sampling, trenching for delineation of the former battery burial pit, and well abandonment/installation/sampling activities to characterize the nature and extent of explosives, VOCs, SVOCs, metals, pesticides, and PCBs in site media. Data were validated and a baseline risk assessment (human health and ecological) were conducted, leading to the development of the Feasibility Study. State-of-the-art remedial technologies have been evaluated and assembled into remedial alternatives to satisfy the U.S. Army and Illinois EPA. The Proposed Plan and Record of Decision are in the process of being developed.
PE provides professional services as a member of the Weston Solutions, Inc. (Weston) Core Response Team, on both the EPA Region 5 START 2 and START 3 Contracts. Work is conducted by PE under an ID/IQ subcontract with Weston for multiple task orders/projects. At the Premcor – Hartford, Illinois site, PE currently provides a senior scientist to oversee non-time critical removal/ assessment activities associated with the Hartford area hydrocarbon plume. The plume (estimated to be hundreds of thousands of gallons) has caused vapor intrusion and explosion concerns in the homes of local residents and businesses. PE’s support also includes attendance of monthly stakeholders meetings and periodic monitoring/ sampling activities. At the Highland, Illinois site, PE oversaw the time-critical removal of 150 drums with Minton Enterprises unknown contents and the decontamination of an abandoned plating facility near a residential area of the city. At the Clayton Chemical – Sauget, Illinois site, PE oversaw removal and chemical stabilization of soils contaminated with metals, VOCs, and PCBs. Other oversight activities included building and loading dock decontamination and the removal of sludges, paint wastes, drums of hazardous materials, free product, and HHW, and PE also performed photographic and written documentation, review of PRP contractor work plans (for non-time critical removal), air monitoring, and preparation of POLREPS and monthly status reports.
PE has teamed with the Chamberlain Group (a SDVOB) to provided environmental services to EPA on this $4.7M ID/IQ project. The Regional Oversight Contract (ROC) work supports EPA in its responsibilities for oversight and enforcement of both CERCLA and RCRA activities at active, closing, or former Federal facilities. This technical support includes: providing groundwater modeling expertise for evaluating offsite contaminant migration; conducting technical review of documents or other materials prepared by or associated with facility or site; providing technical and logistical support to EPA for and/or during meetings and conference calls; and performing split sampling activities.
PE is currently working at the FUSRAP St. Louis Downtown Site (SLDS), the St. Louis Airport Site (SLAPS), and the associated Vicinity Properties (VPs). Work is being performed by PE at these sites under a prime contract with the St. Louis District USACE, and as a subcontractor Shaw Environmental, Inc. (Shaw), the current Remedial Action Contractor for the St. Louis FUSRAP work. Work was also performed as a subcontractor to SAIC, the current A&E Services Contractor. At the SLDS site, PE performed verification surveys at numerous on-site locations through GPS-assisted gamma walkovers (Final Status Surveys). In addition PE health physics technicians supported numerous sampling and analysis efforts by performing radiological surveys. PE designed and developed the USACE Database used as the Electronic Data Management System for the serialization of environmental engineering records, including certified payroll and official correspondence. PE staff currently provides data entry and maintenance services for most of these active databases. In addition, PE is currently providing quality control services, field engineering, and program support services. These activities include field inspections, soil stockpile management, placarding waste materials, reviewing technical documents, directing and planning work, meeting with subcontractors to arrange tasks, preparing scopes of work, conducting health & safety meetings, ordering equipment and supplies, and preparing engineer estimates. This work is performed to verify the work is in conformance with the contracting requirements and identifying and correcting health & safety hazards. Environmental support services provided by PE include reviewing, health and safety plans, plans of operation, work plans, fire protection plans, and industrial hygiene plans.
PE performed Preliminary Assessments (PAs) at four Kansas Formerly Utilized Defense Site (FUDS) properties as part of a single task order on the EPA Region 7 mini-START contract. Project planning for this task order included working with EPA to outline a scope of work, including a basic sampling plan with approximate schedule and cost estimates. PE procured the necessary equipment/supplies and subcontracted services for completing the work. Field activities included mobilization, drilling/ probing and soil sampling, lithologic logging of boreholes, piezometer and monitoring well installation/sampling, surface water and sediment sampling, on-site and off-site drinking water well sampling, collection of GPS coordinates and field mapping, management of IDW, written and photographic field documentation, and coordination of all sampling activities with the EPA Regional 7 Laboratory. Samples were analyzed for VOCs, PAHs, RCRA Metals, PCBs, chlorinated pesticides, TPH, explosives (including TNT, RDX, HMX, and DNT), nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and/or pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Results of the investigation were summarized in final reports for each site, along with HRS scoring information where applicable.
PE is currently performing a pilot study at the Glenn Road (West) Landfill at the Former Fort Benjamin Harrison installation. In response to a request by Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) to address elevated concentrations of vinyl chloride and arsenic currently migrating offsite, PE (and their subcontractors) have designed and installed a Permeable Reactive Barrier to evaluate options for treating contaminated groundwater down gradient of the site. PE is performing quarterly groundwater monitoring and evaluating and analyzing the data to determine the effectiveness of the remedy. Based on the findings of the pilot study, it will be determined if and where full-scale implementation at the landfill will take place.
PE is a subcontractor on a 10-year HTRW Architect Engineering Services (AES) contract serving EPA Region 7 and also served on the preceding 10-year Response Action Contract (RAC). The Scope of work includes CERCLA investigations to determine magnitude, hazard ranking, design and implementation of remedial corrective actions at designated sites in the four- state region. At the Omaha Lead Site, PE’s professional staff provided critical input into the design and planning of a soil sampling and characterization program. PE field crews are actively obtaining site access agreements to survey sampling locations, perform sampling, and prepare the samples for subsequent analysis. At the Hastings, NE site, PE has performed the operation and maintenance of the groundwater remediation treatment system that was constructed to address TCE-contaminated groundwater. At the Big River Mines Site, MO, PE assisted with the planning, design and implementation of the biological sampling program at this site, intended to assess potential lead impact/risk to the ecological environment. At the Madison County Mines Site, MO, PE is instrumental in the planning and implementation of a crucial soil-sampling program designed to investigate the magnitude and extent of lead contamination in this lead mining region of Missouri.